
Zi² an open source software for coupling AFM and lock-in from Zurich Instruments

Cubic or hexagonal? How to control the crystalline phases of GaAs nanowires on demand

Programmable optical reflection: turning mirrors to absorbers

Conductive filament localization within crossbar resistive memories by Scanning Joule Expansion Microscopy

Energy Efficient Embedded Non-Volatile Memory & Logic Based on Ferroelectric Hf(Zr)O2

Deterministic placement of quantum defects in arrays of 4H-SiC micropillars

Two new INL patents on photonic sensors for diagnostics

Keys to control the nanocrystalline growth of visible bandgap multiferroic BiFeO3

Telecom-band single photon source monolithically grown on silicon

Perovskite-oxide based hyperbolic metamaterials

Growth of GaAs/AlGaAs nanowires for tandem solar cells on silicon

What’s that got to do with the silicon here?

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