Topological singularity of light-matter hybrid particles in a perovskite metasurface

A topological charge of hybrid light/matter quasiparticles has been demonstrated for the first time at room temperature

INL researchers have designed and experimentally observed for the first time a topological singularity of half-matter, half-light quasiparticles. This intriguing state is realized in a metasurface formed by perovskite nanopillars whose distance between the pillars is smaller than the wavelength of light. The observed physical phenomenon is the result of the strong coupling regime at room temperature between perovskite excitons and photons confined in an exotic state of light called Bound states In the Continuum (BIC). A remarkable property of this metasurface is that the light escaping from this topological singularity has its electric field forming a vector vortex, as illustrated on the front cover of the journal Advanced Optical Materials on June 2022. For the future, INL researchers plan to study the nonlinear effects of these topological singularities, as well as to use them to realize innovative devices (new types of lasers, sensors …).


Contact : Hai Son NGUYEN


References:“Realization of Polaritonic Topological Charge at Room Temperature Using Polariton Bound States in the Continuum from Perovskite Metasurface”
Nguyen Ha My Dang, Simone Zanotti, Céline Chevalier, Gaëlle Trippé-Allard, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Mohamed Amara, Vincenzo Ardizzone, Daniele Sanvitto, Lucio Claudio Andreani, Christian Seassal, Dario Gerace, Hai Son Nguyen
Advanced Optical Materials 10, 2102386 (2022)


Collaborations: ENS Paris-Saclay, Department of Physics of the University of Pavia, the Institute of Nanotechnology of the National Research Council of Lecce (CNR-Nanotec)


L'émission de lumière échappée de la singularité topologique de l'état hybride lumière/matière. Cette émission forme un vortex de polarization dans le champs lointain
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