INL PhD Days 2019


The INL PhD Days were held before the holidays, and were the occasion for 31 students to present their work by poster (16 students) or through a 15min presentation (15 students) to other lab members. The event gathered more than 75 people on Thursday 24th at CPE Lyon, and about 65 people on Friday 25th at ECL.


After deliberation, a jury of researchers at INL gave the best presentation awards to:

  • Rémi Briche,
  • Prabir Mahato,
  • Rachel Taitt,


and the best poster awards to:

  • Lucie Descamps,
  • Thomas Dursap,
  • Hugo Freiermuth,
  • Solène Lecot.


They all won a €50 gift card to be used at Fnac. Congratulations!


The event was also an opportunity for former PhD students to come back at INL to give keynotes about their career paths and current activities. This year, we were given two very interesting talks from Loïc Sevrin (thesis in 2016 — teams Capteurs Biomédicaux & Conception des Systèmes Hétérogène) and Guillaume Laffite (thesis in 2012 — team Lab-On-Chip et Instrumentation). Their contact information, and the slides from Guillaume’s presentation are available below.


We hope that everyone had a good time, and wish to thank those who accepted to chair the sessions, be part of the jury, or contributed in any way to make this event a successful one

Guillaume Laffite presentation

Contact : guillaume [dot] laffite [at] psl [dot] eu

Contact Loïc Sevrin : loic [dot] sevrin [at] piwio [dot] fr


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