Incoherent light management

The project group studies photonic concepts dedicated to light collection and trapping, or the control of the radiation, over an extended spectral range, from visible to near and mid-infrared.


Our group develops concepts based on micro and nanostructurions to allow the spectral and spatial control of incoherent or low coherence light. We develop a complete methodology based on theoretical predictions, multi-scale and multi-domain modeling (optical, thermal, electrical, etc.), design, production and experimental study of dedicated periodic or pseudo-disordered structures.


  • Radiative cooling : optimization of the light-matter interaction in the thermal range of the spectrum, in particular to improve the cooling of photovoltaic modules by thermal radiation while maintaining enough visible absorption.
  • Photocatalysis : confinement of photons and phonons in micronanostructures to remove pollution of water and air, production of solar fuels by hydrolysis or artificial photosynthesis.
  • Photovoltaics : light trapping in singlejunction or tandem photovoltaics cells with ultra-thin layers.
  • LEDs and µ-displays : control of the radiation (spectrum, directivity) of non-coherent sources, wavelength conversion (fluorescence, non-radiative transfer) assisted by the density of photonic states.

Recents and on-going projects

  • IDEXLYON Scientific Breakthrough IPPON [2018-2021], Incoherent light and Phonon management in micro-nanopatterned materials for efficient depollution and artificial PhOtosyNthesis. Coordonné par l’INL, avec le Lab.HC, l’ILM et l’IRCELYON.
  • ANR EMIPERO, Electrically pumped hybrid perovskites based light-emitting devices. Projet coordonné par l’ENS Saclay, avec l’INL et XLIM.



  • Coordinator : Emmanuel Drouard
  • Permanents : Mohamed Amara, Christian Seassal
  • PhD & Post-doc : Jérémy Dumoulin, Raphaël Mermet-Lyaudoz; Eirini Sarelli
Structure photonique
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