Photonic PUFs

  1. R. Pappu et al., "Physical One-Way Functions", Science 297, 5589, 2002, doi:
  2. M. Geis et al., “Optical Physical Unclonable Function”. In: 2017 IEEE 60th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). 2017, pp. 1248–1251. isbn: 9781509063895, doi:
  3. C. Mesaritakis et al., “Physical Unclonable Function based on a Multi-Mode Optical Waveguide,” Scientific Reports 8, 1, pp 9653, 2018, doi:
  4. M. Akriotou et al., “Random Number Generation from a Secure Photonic Physical Unclonable Hardware Module”. In: (2018) Random Number Generation from a Secure Photonic Physical Unclonable Hardware Module. In: Gelenbe E. et al. (eds) Security in Computer and Information Sciences. Euro-CYBERSEC 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 821. Springer, Cham., doi:
  5. B. Bosworth et al., "Unclonable photonic keys hardened against machine learning attacks," APL Photonics 5, 010803 (2020), doi:

Electronic PUFs

  1. G. Gassend et al., "Silicon physical random functions," CCS '02: Proceedings of the 9th ACM conference on Computer and communications security November 2002, pp 148–160, doi:
  2. U. Ruhrmair et al., "Modeling attacks on physical unclonable functions," CCS '10: Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications security, October 2010, pp 237–249, doi:
  3. A. Cherkaoui et al., "Design , Evaluation , and Optimization of Physical Unclonable Functions Based on Transient Effect Ring Oscillators," IEEE Transactions on Information Security and Forensic, 11, 6, 2016, doi:
  4. C. Zhou et al., "Secure and Reliable XOR Arbiter PUF Design: An Experimental Study based on 1 Trillion Challenge Response Pair Measurements," DAC '17: Proceedings of the 54th Annual Design Automation Conference 2017 June 2017 pp 1–6, doi:

Hardware integrity and information security

  1. M. M. Tehranipoor et al., “Invasion of the hardware snatchers”. In: IEEE Spectrum 54.5 (2017), pp. 36–41. issn: 00189235, doi:
  2. P. Chaudhry and A. Zimmerman. “Protecting Your Intellectual Property Rights”. In: Protecting Your Intellectual Property Rights, Management for Professionals. Ed. by Springer. 2013. Chap. The global. isbn: 978-1-4614-5567-7, doi:
  3. M. Ferrag et al., “Authentication Protocols for Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Survey”, Security and Communication Networks 2017, doi:
  4. T.A. Idriss et al., “A Lightweight PUF-Based Authentication Protocol Using Secret Pattern Recognition for Constrained IoT Devices,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 80546-80558, 2021, doi: