Name |
Institution |
Title |
Darmstadt University of Technology, Gremany |
Eshelbian dislocation mechanics: J-, M- , and L-integrals |
Pilar ARIZA |
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain |
Modeling and characterization of long-term hydrogen interactions with defects in palladium nanoparticles |
Gabrielle BARBAGALLO |
INSA - Lyon, France |
Fibrous composite reinforcements as second gradient materials |
Davide BIGONI |
University of Tranto, Italy |
Configurational forces in elastic structures |
Philippe BOISSE |
INSA - Lyon, France |
Modelling defects during composite reinforcements and prepreg forming |
Claude BOUTIN |
ENTPE Lyon, France |
Non-conventional dynamic behaviour of highly contrasted structured plates |
Domenico CAPUANI |
University of Ferrara, Italy |
Scattering of elastic waves by a shear band |
Manuel COLLET |
Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France |
Micromorphic model for modeling adaptive piezocomposite gradient materials |
Marco Valerio D'AGOSTINO |
INSA - Lyon, France |
Transparent relaxed micromorphic description of anisotropy in metamaterials |
Salvatore DI STEFANO |
Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
The Principle of G-Covariance in modelling biological tissues |
Bernhard EIDEL |
University of Siegen, Germany |
Ultralight Structural Metamaterials: Finite Element Analysis and Mechanical Optimization |
Hannes ERDLE |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
A Gradient Crystal Plasticity Model that Accounts for Size Effects by a Discontinuous Accumulated Plastic Slip |
Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland |
On weak solutions for linear pantographic beam lattices |
Franz Dieter FISCHER |
Montanuniversität Leoben Institute of Mechanics, Austria |
Understanding enhanced fracture toughness of twisted plywood structures by configurational forces |
University of Leeds, Great Britain |
Kink pair production and dislocation motion |
Francesco FROIIO |
Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France |
An ortho-fiber theory for second gradient materials |
Ionel-Dumitrel GHIBA |
University AI Cuza Iasi, Romania |
A non-rank-one convexity result involving geodesically motivated logarithmic strain measures |
University Paris 13, France |
Discontinuous Galerkin method in modeling wave propagation in materials with micro-cracks |
Natalia KHODER |
Laboratoire 3SR Grenoble, France |
Enhancement of multifiber beam elements in the case of reinforced concrete structures for taking into account the lateral confinement of concrete due to stirrups |
Reinhold KIENZLER |
University of Bremen, Germany |
Assessment of Crack Arrays An Engineering Approach |
Eindhoven University of Technology, HOLLAND |
Enriched continuum emerging from the homogenization of materials with micro-inertia effects |
Markus LAZAR |
University of Technology, Germany |
Non-singular dislocation continuum theories: Strain gradient elasticity versus Peierls- Nabarro model |
Universite de Rennes 1, France |
Propagation and scattering in a Riemann-Cartan material manifold |
Evgeny LOMAKIN |
Perm National Research Polytechnic University and Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia |
Strength analysis of composite materials based on damage parameters |
Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique Marseille, France |
Modeling of nonlinear waves in solids with slow dynamics |
Angela MADEO |
INSA - Lyon, France |
Dispersion and band-gaps in micromorphic media and metamaterials |
Luxembourg Insitute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg |
Design of anisotropic heterogeneous materials with desired physical properties using statistical continuum theory |
Paolo Maria MARIANO |
University of Florence, Italy |
Is there any counterpart of Noether’s theorem in dissipative setting? |
University of California San Diego, USA |
The Waves of Phase Change |
University Claude Bernard Lyon, France |
Phase-field modeling of a fluid-driven fracture in a poroelastic medium |
Gergely MOLNAR |
University of Grenoble Alps, France |
Multi-scale analysis of the impact resistance of microstructured solids - a new project proposal |
Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia |
Nonlinear defects kinetics and structured wave propagation in second-gradient materials (experimental and theoretical study |
Patrizio NEFF |
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany |
A canonical rate- independent model of geometrically linear isotropic gradient plasticity with isotropic hardening and plastic spin accounting for Burgers vector |
Eugene Y. PAK |
Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology, Korea |
Configurational Forces on Various Elastic Singularities |
Lalaonirina RAKOTOMANANA |
University Rennes 1, France |
Contribution to continuum physics within gradient continuum: Interaction of electromagnetism with mechanics |
IMATH, Université de Toulon and LMA, CNRS, France |
Rigorous homogenization results leading to generalized continua |
Roberto SERPIERI |
Università del Sannio, Italy |
A rational derivation of Biot’s and Terzaghi’s paradigms from a constraint-free variational continuum two-phase poroelasticity theory adopting minimal kinematic descriptors |
Ashwin SRIDHAR |
Eindhoven University of Technology, Holland |
A homogenization framework based on Floquet-Bloch transform towards a generalized micromorphic continuum |
Claude STOLZ |
Institut GeM and IMSIA, Nantes, France |
On some approaches of graded damage modelling |
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT), Poland |
Minimal gradient-enhancement of crystal plasticity: computational aspects and size effects |
INSA - Lyon, France |
Wave propagation in amorphous materials with inclusions |